Monday, November 28, 2011

Into the unknown

We all made it through Thanksgiving. It was our year without all the kids so it was definately a smaller affair than last year. We had made plans to travel this year to my husband's niece's house but so close to delivering we decided it was better to stay close to home.

In a matter of weeks I will embark on a new chapter in my life. I will be a stay at home mom. I have never been so nervous and unsure of my ability. I never imagined myself here. I would never have dreamed 6 years ago that no only would I be giving up working but I would be staying home with my kids.

Growing up, I was not very domestic. I was very driven and worked hard to earn my degree. I have worked practically my entire life. I have always been very good at my job and always have held positions of authority. During a job interview 6 years ago, I was asked where I would be at ini 5 years. I told him, I would most likely have his job.

I am preparing myself for an adjustment and hope I can handle this new direction my life has taken me. I know we are in for a fight when we let Krypto know about the upcoming change. I think we have decided to let her in on it in about a week. Here's hoping she accepts it. (I know...I can dream).

For any did you handle the transition and any advice?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Off to the attorney we go

We had our appointment with our attorney. Based on Superman's divorce decree he is required to "provide childcare until it is no longer needed." We had some questions we needed answered before we could ultimately make the decision I could stay home with the boys.

I love our attorney. She comes highly recommended and will tell you point blank if going to court or filing anything is a waste of time and money. She reviewed everything and she told us according to the agreement, I will be able to provide any after school care and not be required to pay for someone else to do it. Yay! Even if Krypto doesn't agree...which of course she will.

She also believes his child support on Lane will end next year when she turns 18. Her mother is currently "homeschooling" her. Which in reality means, Lane is taking courses at the community college and her mother hasn't taught her anything but because her not being enrolled at a high school we didn't know for sure if it would stop. After 16 years Superman will have complete control of his financial contribution to the girls.

So all in all, time well spent. Now we just have to tell Krypto what is about to happen and then see the sparks fly. Our attorney said she can't even file contempt charges until we go to mediation first which is a bonus for us.

I am so excited about being able to stay home with the boys. I feel like I missed so much with Kent. I have spent my days at work and so much mental space on trying to get pregnant that I feel like he grew up before my eyes and I missed it. Hopefully I can make up for lost time.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Baby ? has arrived.

Well Lois's baby arrived at 4:30am on November 1. Superman was informed by text at 10:30am. Along with the fact, she was delivered at her mother's house and the adopted parents had already taken possession. Awesome. Way to respect your father's feelings.

I was floored. She delivered her at her mother's house not by accident. After being sent home yesterday from the hospital, a decision was made to call a midwife "her mother knew". Awesome. This coming from Lois who has had no less than nine ER visits for unexplained pain and problems during this pregnancy. Now she decides at the last minute to have a home birth. Who does this?

And she "thinks" the new parents will take the baby to the doctor. Apparently she really doesn't have any thought to this new child. She finally got rid the of the problem that has been plaguing her for nine months. Within minutes of delivery she was on Faceb**k talking with friends about unrelated nothingness.

I just can't imagine. I was summoned to my doctor's office yesterday after my strong pain meds would not relieve my headache. I was put through a battery of tests and as I sit here, I am on a new pain med in order to function. Apparently a headache is a red flag that causes mass hysteria among OBGYNs. I still don't know the verdict. I do know I left the doctor's office with a fear I thought I was past in this pregnancy: losing my child to yet another unforeseen medical condition. I cried. I cried out of fear, frustration and the unfairness. So as I sit here thinking and praying for the best outcome of whatever is wrong, I can't help but judge a mother with no thought to her child.

Unfortunately my husband can't stop thinking about that same child who will never call him grandpa. His heart is breaking and I don't know what to do.