Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tangled Webs

Well last night went better than I expected. Superman talked to Lane. He explained what Krypto was claiming. She sorted out what was a half-truth, what was a misinterpretation and what was a blatant lies.

She did admit she did express some concerns to her mother about Clark. She is noticing he is not getting the same amount of attention since Kent has been born. She said she remembers when Clark was born and she felt the same way.

Ok. I can see her concern. This is a big issue with Superman. Superman has many regrets in his life. This is a major one for him. He wishes he had done things differently or could make it up to her now. It broke his heart that she is worried about Clark having the same feelings. He explained we have done everything to try make the transition easier on him. We took him to sibling classes and Superman makes its a point to spend one-on-one time with him. But there will be a little bit of those feelings no matter what we do. Things have changed. He is no longer an only child most of the time.

After talking to her Superman he then talked to Lois. Her statements were in line with what Lane had said. Her concern was Clark has gotten used to her being there and now she wasn't. Which is completely true. Superman told her again not to let them money issue stand in the way of her coming over. We have not mentioned money to her since she moved out.

While talking to Lois, Lexie and Luther came outside. Lexie admitted talking to her but she said Krypto carried most of the conversation. Lexie said she was very short with her answers and did not imply in any way she was concerned for the girls or Clark or Kent. She said the girls did have concerns about Clark but they were not anything like that. Krypto was obviously digging for information and she had manipulated the information she was given into what she wanted to hear.

It's far from over but at least I don't feel like we are getting stabbed in the back by our family. So now he just has to talk to the cousin. Once that is done there is no doubt Krypto will know we know everything.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Now Who's Mad? Oh The Irony

Well things went from bad to worse and then a slight glow started to appear at the end of the tunnel.

On Friday we decided to lay low for a little bit. See what developed and then talk to the girls. He was going to Lane out to lunch and see if she had any concerns. That didn't work out because Superman got a migraine so it put our plans on hold.

Come Monday, Krypto takes it up a notch. She tells Clark's teacher she is concerned because we wouldn't let his sister eat and she was almost hospitalized. I was furious. We can't say anything too specific because of who we are getting our info from. Krypto knows her extremely well. So we decide he needs to make contact with the school. He advises the teacher Krypto is making allegations about him and would like to know if she's made contact. He told Clark doesn't know what is going on to his knowledge and would like it kept that way. The teacher does not confirm anything but does advise him she will discuss it with the counselor and principal.

At the end of the day an email was sent. To. Both. Parents. It basically said all communication would be kept confidential and no emails would be forwarded. If there is a problem it would need to be worked out without involving the school. They are a neutral party.

Now keep in mind we know she contacted the school. She doesn't know we did. She is furious. She believes her cover is blown. Little did she know we already knew everything. She is telling her friends the school is refusing to do anything and she's pissed off because they broke the confidentiality by sending it to Superman too.

We respond to the teacher with a simple thank you for looking into it. I think the responses speak volumes about what each party was attempting to get accomplished.

Tonight he is going to talk to Lane during his midweek visit and then Lois after that hopefully. Depending on what is said will determine if the cousin is going to be confronted tonight. Hope everything works out.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mad As Hell

I just got off the phone with Superman and I am spitting fire. His niece called him earlier and told him Krypto was asking about problems at our house and Lane wanting to come over to our house more to watch over Clark. If she knew anything. She told her she had no idea what she was talking about.

I then get a copy of an email Kryto wrote to someone else...I would post it in it's entirety but I'm afraid it would come up on a search so here the gist of it.

I talked to Superman' s ex Lexie today and she was telling me that the girls ( Clark' s sisters) are concerned for Clark when he is over at their at Superman's...his wife is not very nice to him or them...she proceeded to also tell me that the oldest ( Lois ) since she got pregnant and she was living with Superman that he made her rent their car from them , pay rent, also they would ask her what she needed from the store and they would not buy food for her so she lost 15 to 20 pounds because of them not allowing her to eat much of anything...Lane now has a mid week visit with Superman on Tuesday's because she asked to because knew Clark was there every other Tuesday and she wanted to keep and eye on him....Clark got sent home from after school care on Monday because he was throwing up ...when I got home with him he asked me what day it was and I told him it was Monday and he said he thought it was Friday and that he was going to his dad's...I have contacted the school counselor ...I didn't know if that since there is concern for Clark when hes there by his sisters that see what's going on if there was anything else I needed to be doing besides getting the counseling started back up..

What load of bull shit is that??? There is just enough truth to that conversation that it led me to believe Lois is telling lies to her cousin who is still in contact with Krypto. (Yes, the same cousin who gave Krypto pictures of Kent)

I think this email is a combination of 3 liars converging in one place and playing a bad game of liar telephone. One person tells the person next to them and then that person tells the next but instead of repeating it, it is made worse, so on and so forth.

Yes, Lois was required to pay for a set amount for food, car insurance, and the difference in utilities, and her own phone bill. All that added up $200.00. Oh my gosh someone call social services.

If that girl lost 20 lbs out our house I would like to know where it went because the girl was asking to borrow my maternity pants before she even made it to the doctor to confirm the pregnancy.

The idea of a midweek was by court order that Superman fought hard for. It was hardly Lane's idea approved by her mother.

She's so concerned for Clark she asked to spend the night with a friend tomorrow.

Clark is in a horrible position. His parents don't get along. His loyalties are divided I'm sure. But I don't think he says bad things about our house. Just like he doesn't bad mouth his mother over at ours. He does make comments about certain things but we don't read to much into it. When he mentioned he wished he had his own room at his mom's that doesn't mean he hates being at his mom's. He's seven and dealing with a crazy situation. He loves his parents. Both of them. He needs them. Both of them.

I called Superman and told him if him he needed to get to the bottom of the situation. If we confirm this is coming from Lois and her lies she is not welcome in my home. She needed to confronted in front of her mother. She thinks she can play both sides and have no consequences. Well guess what? Consequences just met Karma and they are getting ready to whoop some ass!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Moving Things

We decided after some long discussions that Lois's room should not sit vacant waiting on the chance she might decide to come spend the night. At first, Superman was hesitant about changing the rooms around. He was concerned she would think we were pushing her even farther away. I tried to express to him the unfairness of the situation. Our son, who is the only child here 24/7, did not have a room and would soon be turning a year old. Was it really fair to ask Clark, who is here half the time, to share with his brother while a room sits empty?

We decided before Kent was born we would leave the kids in their rooms. It wasn't worth moving everyone around. Kent would be in our room for some time anyways. I compromised on having a cute nursery for the time being. It was more important to make the transition easier. But now I can not imagine the reason for leaving half of the bedrooms sit empty except for 4 nights a month.

Lois was told it was not a revolving door when she decided to leave. She could not bounce from one house to the other if she was upset with the rules. She was told she would always have a bed to stay if she wanted to visit. And she does, just like any other family that stays with us. Its the bottom bunk. It sleeps quite nice I'm told.

Clark is excited about the move. We are transitioning him to Lois's room since it is farther away than his old room. Kent will be moving in Clark's old room. Clark showed her what was going on when she was over last night. She apparently asked Superman about the move before I got home. She asked why he was moving. He tried to explain the boys deserved to have their own rooms since Lois was no longer living here. He explained the room shouldn't sit empty. She was surprised and said Lois was going to come over on weekends. (Which she hasn't.) Superman told her she hadn't come over since she left and enough time had passed to show she wasn't going to be coming over enough to make it fair to leave it.

What are we supposed to do? Make a shrine to her. Honestly.

When Luther's daughter was asked to leave their house, I mean, when it was mutually agreed it would be best if she left the house, the rooms were reassigned the same night. But I guess there are different standards that we are being judged by.

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year so Far

I have been MIA for some time now. I needed a little break to put my life in perspective and think about the changes in the last few months. I'm back in the groove and I think I may have found my sanity along the way.

We started the New Year with one less person in the house. Lois moved out right before the new year. We weren't home and we had moved all her things into the garage so Mr. Wonderful and Luther could help her without having to come into the house.

We provided her the bills she has accumulated since she moved in with us. Superman asked that she pay the phone bill since it was due soon. She told us she would definitely would have the money. She asked if she could keep the SIM card until she got paid on Friday. Superman agreed. I was under the assumption she would stop using the phone on that day. I was mistaken.

On Friday she didn't make contact and Superman texted her. She said she couldn't cash her check because of the holiday. Fair enough. Saturday came and went and nothing. She was still using the phone. On Sunday Superman finally called her. She gave excuses about how she was at her grandparents house and thought he was going to call her. Ok. When he asked her why she was still using the phone when she had no intention of paying for it she said once again she was going to. Eventually she started crying . I listened to the entire conversation. He was not mean. He was not rude. He never even raised his voice. He ended the conversation telling her he did not want to money to come between there relationship.

Two minutes after getting off the phone. Superman received a text from Lexie.

"Your key and SIM card will be on your door tomorrow. When she gets a better job she will start making payments."

First of all why don't you put a sign on our door that say "HOUSE KEY TAPED TO DOOR. PLEASE ROB US!!" Superman text back asking it not be put on the door and if the money for the phone would be included. No response to money but he was told it would be dropped off at his work instead.

The next day came and went. The key and SIM card were returned. The bill was not paid.

I expected more from her. I want for at least one time for Lois to put someone else first and not take the easy way out. Superman deserves not to be used by his own daughter.

She returned to her mothers so she could avoid taking responsibility at our house. Karma is a bitch and one of these days she's going to meet her.

The last time I talked about the situation with my sister she told me something she had figured out. When Kent was born and was giving me fits she would tell me he was my karma for how I acted as a child. She realizes now Kent is not my Karma. Lois is. When I think back to the hell I put my mother thru I cringe. I turned out ok. Maybe Lois will too.