Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Now Who's Mad? Oh The Irony

Well things went from bad to worse and then a slight glow started to appear at the end of the tunnel.

On Friday we decided to lay low for a little bit. See what developed and then talk to the girls. He was going to Lane out to lunch and see if she had any concerns. That didn't work out because Superman got a migraine so it put our plans on hold.

Come Monday, Krypto takes it up a notch. She tells Clark's teacher she is concerned because we wouldn't let his sister eat and she was almost hospitalized. I was furious. We can't say anything too specific because of who we are getting our info from. Krypto knows her extremely well. So we decide he needs to make contact with the school. He advises the teacher Krypto is making allegations about him and would like to know if she's made contact. He told Clark doesn't know what is going on to his knowledge and would like it kept that way. The teacher does not confirm anything but does advise him she will discuss it with the counselor and principal.

At the end of the day an email was sent. To. Both. Parents. It basically said all communication would be kept confidential and no emails would be forwarded. If there is a problem it would need to be worked out without involving the school. They are a neutral party.

Now keep in mind we know she contacted the school. She doesn't know we did. She is furious. She believes her cover is blown. Little did she know we already knew everything. She is telling her friends the school is refusing to do anything and she's pissed off because they broke the confidentiality by sending it to Superman too.

We respond to the teacher with a simple thank you for looking into it. I think the responses speak volumes about what each party was attempting to get accomplished.

Tonight he is going to talk to Lane during his midweek visit and then Lois after that hopefully. Depending on what is said will determine if the cousin is going to be confronted tonight. Hope everything works out.


Stepped in H-E Double L said...

I'm more of a direct contact kind of person, so when I'm upset or concerned about a situation, I take it up with the person directly. It saves a lot of trouble and hearsay. The fact that Krypto can't go to your husband directly and discuss her concerns tells me that she is a manipulator. Plus, she is complaining and worrying about a child that isn't even her own child. I think the school did the right thing.

stef said...

I'm glad the school didn't get involved. They hate this sort of b/s.

Lori G. said...

I think you used a real name but otherwise...you did a great job handling it.

Pretend Mommy said...

Thanks for letting me know about the slip.