Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year so Far

I have been MIA for some time now. I needed a little break to put my life in perspective and think about the changes in the last few months. I'm back in the groove and I think I may have found my sanity along the way.

We started the New Year with one less person in the house. Lois moved out right before the new year. We weren't home and we had moved all her things into the garage so Mr. Wonderful and Luther could help her without having to come into the house.

We provided her the bills she has accumulated since she moved in with us. Superman asked that she pay the phone bill since it was due soon. She told us she would definitely would have the money. She asked if she could keep the SIM card until she got paid on Friday. Superman agreed. I was under the assumption she would stop using the phone on that day. I was mistaken.

On Friday she didn't make contact and Superman texted her. She said she couldn't cash her check because of the holiday. Fair enough. Saturday came and went and nothing. She was still using the phone. On Sunday Superman finally called her. She gave excuses about how she was at her grandparents house and thought he was going to call her. Ok. When he asked her why she was still using the phone when she had no intention of paying for it she said once again she was going to. Eventually she started crying . I listened to the entire conversation. He was not mean. He was not rude. He never even raised his voice. He ended the conversation telling her he did not want to money to come between there relationship.

Two minutes after getting off the phone. Superman received a text from Lexie.

"Your key and SIM card will be on your door tomorrow. When she gets a better job she will start making payments."

First of all why don't you put a sign on our door that say "HOUSE KEY TAPED TO DOOR. PLEASE ROB US!!" Superman text back asking it not be put on the door and if the money for the phone would be included. No response to money but he was told it would be dropped off at his work instead.

The next day came and went. The key and SIM card were returned. The bill was not paid.

I expected more from her. I want for at least one time for Lois to put someone else first and not take the easy way out. Superman deserves not to be used by his own daughter.

She returned to her mothers so she could avoid taking responsibility at our house. Karma is a bitch and one of these days she's going to meet her.

The last time I talked about the situation with my sister she told me something she had figured out. When Kent was born and was giving me fits she would tell me he was my karma for how I acted as a child. She realizes now Kent is not my Karma. Lois is. When I think back to the hell I put my mother thru I cringe. I turned out ok. Maybe Lois will too.

1 comment:

Stef said...

Welcome back!

I'm glad things seem to have settled down to a 'new normal.' I'm not sure what will happen to Lois, perhaps the new baby will help her grow up. But then again there are people that seem to go through life unable to take responsibilities for their actions. But in this case it really does call for detachment of 'not my kid, not my problem.'